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// Posted by :Unknown // On :Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hello everyone! So this is an article I've been working on for a while, and it's a lot longer than usual so I hope you like it! 

One Piece is the most popular Japanese cartoon that has ever been, even more so than the success that was Dragonball. One Piece sold almost 15,000,000 copies in 2009. The population of Japan is 127,560,000. That means every eighth person in Japan reads One Piece.

The story of One Piece revolves around Monkey D. Luffy who ate the “gomu gomu no mi” and became a rubberman at a young age. A pirate named “Red Haired” Shanks, borrowed Luffy his strawhat. Seven years later, Luffy sets out to sea to find the great treasure, One Piece, which the pirate king, Gold Roger left behind before he got executed. We follow him and his friends on the most dangerous sea in their world, the Grand Line.
The characters are the following:            

captain, Monkey ”Strawhat” D. Luffy. A silly rubberman who eats A LOT of food. His personality changes to a serious mood when his friends are in danger or something serious is happening. He has beaten a streak of strong enemies, and obtained a bounty of 400,000,000 beli. (Beli is the currency in the One Piece world)

The Swordsman, Roronoa ”Pirate Hunter” Zoro. who has a love for alcohol, sleeping and training. His only flaw is his orientation which often leads to funny scenes. “I already memorized the map completely. I go left.” *goes right* Zoro is looked upon as the first mate on the ship, though the author, Eiichiro Oda, has never mentioned this. He fights using three Japanese swords called “katanas”. One in each hand, and one in his mouth. Zoro’s goal is to become the number one swordsman in the world. His bounty is on 120,000,000 beli.

The navigator, “Cat burglar” Nami. She loves her money, her tangerines and her friends very much. Her dream is to create a map of the whole world. Her skills in navigating are world class. She’s also able to predict what kind of weather is coming by feeling the air pressure, even on the dangerous Grand Line. Her bounty is currently 16,000,000 beli.

The sniper, “King of snipers” Usopp. His dream is to become a “brave warrior of the sea”, just like his father who is on Shanks’ crew. The “Uso” in “Usopp” means “liar”, and fits his habit of lying and playful personality perfectly. His most particular face trait is his long nose which is a  to the story “Pinocchio”. His bounty is on 30,000,000 beli.

“Black leg” Sanji is the crew’s first class cook. He has worked on the sea restaurant “Baratie” ever since a young age, and grew up with the waiters and chefs acting almost like pirates. He has an incredible love for women, and was raised to never kick one. Sanji uses his inhuman kicking-strength for battle and has gotten a bounty of 77,000,000. His dream is to find the legendary sea, “All blue”, where it’s said that fish of every sort lives. A cook’s paradise.

Tony Tony “Cotton candy lover” Chopper is the doctor on the ship. A reindeer who ate the “Hito Hito no mi” which made him able to transform into a more humanlike body. His invention, the “rumble ball” gives him the power of transforming into various forms, which he can use for fighting for three minutes, making him fairly strong. His bounty, though, is only on 50 beli, because the marines seem to believe he is their pet.

Nico “The devil’s child” Robin is the archaeologist of the crew. She loves a good book, and always has a calm expression unless there’s danger. Her powers come from the “Hana Hana no mi” which allows her to grow any bodypart anywhere like a flower. She is the only survivor from the island of history “Ohara”, which was attacked when she was eight years old, and has used several pirates and organizations to survive ever since. The strawhats are different for her, though. She always trusts them one hundred percent. Her dream has been, ever since a young age, to find the “Rio Poneglyph” which tells the true history of the world. The “Poneglyphs” are big, hidden stones with ancient writing which only a few people from Ohara could read, including Robin. But it is forbidden to decipher them, so she got her bounty at a young age for being able to read them. Her bounty started at 79,000,000 beli when she was eight, but was raised to 80,000,000.

“Cyborg” Franky is the shipwright who can build quality things in a matter of seconds. The front of his body is entirely covered in steel, and he has various weapons installed in his body. He uses cola as his fuel and keeps it in a fridge in his stomach. Whenever he’s out of fuel, his hair falls down towards his face. He has a bounty of 44,000,000 beli.

The last member of the strawhats is “Humming” Brook. The living skeleton with an afro! He is alive due to the “Yomi Yomi no mi” which resurrected him when he died. He’s the musician on the crew, and plays various instruments like, the violin, the piano and the guitar. Brook fights with a sword which usually takes the form of a purple walking stick. His speed is also amazing, considering he is able to cut people without them realizing it for a few seconds. His bounty is on 33,000,000 beli.
Out of the fourteen One Piece films that have been created, One Piece film Z was definitely the most popular, even getting shown on the cinema’s in America, but the one I enjoyed the most was the second most popular, Strong World.

The story begins on a normal day on the Grand Line with the strawhats. We see them talking about something they saw in a newspaper. It was an article about attacks on a lot of the islands in East Blue, where many of the strawhats are from. As they’re talking a big island similar to a pirateship flies above them. Nami senses a great change in the air, and says a typhoon is on it’s way towards them. Luffy decides to tell the other pirateship about it, and they escape while they can.
When they’ve gotten away safely, a man appears, floating down and landing on the ship. The pirate, Shiki, had two swords for legs, and was the captain on the pirateship they had just met. He wanted to thank them and meet the extraordinary navigator who knew what none of his own navigators did. He then reveals that he has a devil fruit power which makes him able to make things float in the sky. The strawhats explain that they’re headed for East Blue, to save their families and friends. Shiki offers to take them there using his power, but on their way, they’re flying towards some flying islands. Shiki suddenly picks up Nami, and nullifies his power on the ship. The Strawhats are thrown to different islands, and have to find eachother, and rescue Nami.
Overall, One Piece film: Strong World has the same amazing and original characters as in the original anime and manga, good graphics and awesome soundtrack. The movie was released August twenty-seventh in 2010 by Toei Animation. The story is written by the manga-artist, Eiichiro Oda himself, and directed by Munehisa Sakai who is also directing the redo of the old popular anime, Sailor Moon.

 From now on I'll be posting once a week, so look forward to that ;) That's it for this week, people. See ya next week! (^-^)/

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