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// Posted by :Unknown // On :Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Okay, we all love anime, but sometimes, they like to completely mess with the viewers. Here's my list of top 5 annoying things that happen in anime:

5: Too much fanservice.
Sure, a little fanservice won't hurt anyone, often it'll make the series more popular, but when it gets in the way of what's actually happening, it's obviously not good.

4: Annoying voices.
I love cute voices, but sometimes, they overdo it and use the most annoying voices you can imagine. Aoi's annoying voice was honestly the reason I stopped Myself: Yourself after 2 episodes -_-

3: Bad endings.
I mean when an anime ends without explaining everything, or finishing what it started, without making a season 2 or an OVA. Now, if you've seen mirai nikki, were displeased with the ending and you don't know about the redial OVA, go watch it! You get the same ending as the novel there. If mirai nikki just ended for good the way it did, I would hate it SO much.

2: Bad/generic characters or no character development
COME ON! That's like the most important thing in ANY media! Whether it's a book, a movie or anime, original characters are always important. Character development is even more so, though. You can't tell a story without at least the main character changing a bit during the process.

1: Mood destroyers and interrutions

When the couple finally get their great moment, and something or someone interrupt and ruin the mood. It's especially annoying when they end the series off there.

So those were my top 5 most annoying things in anime! But what do you think? Is there anything you would like to add to the list? Let me know in the comments!(^-^)/

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