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// Posted by :Unknown // On :Monday, April 14, 2014

So a few weeks ago, on 5th of april, a new Fairy Tail series started airing. 

Fairy Tail (2014)
Fairy Tail  now done by a different studio, and the characters are designed by Shinji Takeuchi, who made them look more like the manga version than the last anime. They also chose to change the colorschemes a bit and have softer colors. The director, Ishihira Shinji is still the same as well as the voice actors. Even though it was a theory that the reason Fairy Tail was on hiatus was because Lucy's voice actor, Hirano Aya, slept with several of the staff, which is a taboo, and they needed to find a new voice actor for Lucy, this is not true. Aya Hirano remains Lucy's voice actor as she is the only one capable of being the Lucy we all love, and I think the reason why they stopped Fairy Tail a while was because the fanservice was increasing, and they had to think of ways to deal with it as good as possible.
The music is also still done by Yasuharu Takanashi who also did the soundtrack to Beelzebub, and Naruto Shippuden. The new opening by BOA, "Masayume chasing" is extremely catchy and fans can't wait until the full version is realeased. The ending is also popular, but mostly due to the amazing NaLu in it.
The series can still be watched on which is the fastest at uploading new episodes:

So that's it for now! Sorry I haven't been posting in ages, but I'm working on a longer review on an anime film, that I think you'll like. I'll try to make time to post tomorrow too! (^-^)/ 

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