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// Posted by :Unknown // On :Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hello, minna-san! This time I watched something slightly different. An anime called "Corpse Party: Tortured Souls"

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls is a 4-episode anime based on the manga which is based on the Corpse Party games. The first game was released in 1996, the second in 2008 being called "Corpse Party: blood covered" and the third, "Corpse Party: blood covered... Repeated Fear" was released in 2012, the same year as the manga. The anime was directed by Akira Iwanaga who also directed the popular shounen anime, Bleach and written by Shoichi Sato.

The nine friends doing the charm.
The story starts of with a group of highschoolers who stay late at school. A girl called Ayumi is telling a horror story about an elementary school called Heavenly Host Elementary School which appearently, used to be on the very spot their school is on. It was torn down due to a streak of unfurtunate happenings, namely- murder. The group perform a kind of charm which is supposed to keep them together forever. Soon after this, there is an earthquake and we see all the students fall down into darkness. Next thing we see is two of the girls, Naomi and Seiko wake up in a classroom looking nothing like their own. They have been brought to the Heavenly Host Elementary School! 

CorpseParty.jpgThe anime has gorgeous animation and music which helps with the creepy feeling. I found the story amazing, unpredictable, and extremely creepy. The plot twists confused me, scared me and surprised me.
I love how the characters all react so realisticly, and differently. I also like how there was a little ecchi, but they didn't shove it in your face like in most ecchi animes. It got more realistic that way. They only showed exactly what would happen with real physics.
Also, I believe tis anime was created as a way of advertising for the games, and that was done extremely well, as what happens in the anime is completely different from the games.


I give this anime a 8/10 


That's it for today! :D Another post tomorrow, okay? ;)
Also, I made a facebook page: Please like it if you want to get updated whenever I post something ;)
See ya tomorrow! (^-^)/

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